Enough is Enough/End-of-Month Thanksgiving and Dedication/Special Mantle Impartation Service Prophetic Theme: Jesus Christ Still Heals and Delivers Today (1 Peter 2:24, Matthew 8:16-17) Anchor Scripture: 1 John 5 vs 4
Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sickness and diseases (Matthew 8 vs 17), hence, we have nothing to do with those as believers. God’s will for us believers is to live in perfect health. Before the arrival of any sickness, Christ already paid the price. Therefore, we need to understand that every symptom of sickness is from the devil and the truth is that Christ has sorted it all.
We are expected to be in command (Revelation 5 vs 10) as believers to reign in life. But it’s important to understand that there are forces that sponsor sickness and diseases. The devil is always after good things including good health (John 10 vs 10) but the good news is that the devil still continues to fail.
Spirits Behind Sickness and Diseases
1. The Spirit of Pride – Hosea 5:5-6
Pride makes God turn His back on man; it makes man want to take credit for their achievements. It is like cancer to the soul as God detest every soul eaten up by pride; it starts from the heart and is able to control a man and once this happens the man is heading for destruction (Luke 12:16-21). Any achievement made by man on earth is by the help of God and He will never share His Glory with anyone (Isaiah 42:8, Proverb 16 vs 18). Giving thanks for every achievement earned gives room for God to do more for us. The Glory Due unto God is a poison to man (1 Corinthians 4:7). Examples of Kings that Pride destroyed are; King Herod (Acts 12:21-25) and King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4 vs 28-35). The opposite of pride, which is humility is what every believer should emulate (James 4:7).
2. The Spirit of Deformity
The devil will always want to tamper with the good things God created (Mark 9:17-27).
The Mystery of the Mantle
God has given us weapons to overcome these spirits behind every sickness and disease. One of these weapons is the Mantle. It is the overflowing of the anointing upon the life of a prophet. A mantle is any clothing material taken from the hand of an anointed one which carries with it the anointing upon such individual (Acts 19:11-12). The mantle is a spiritual platform for transferrals of power (2 Kings 2:15), it provokes the manifestation of special miracles (Acts 19:11). The Mantle is not a magic ward but an instrument of power ordained to extend the impact of an anointed one (Matthew 9:22-23; Matthew 14).
How to Receive the Manifestation of the Mantle
- Believe in the person and the ministry of the carrier of such Grace (Matthew 10 vs 4, Mark:5-6).
- You must recognise they occupy a higher place in God and ourselves (Hebrews 7:7).
- You must Honour them in your heart (Mark 6:4).
- Crave for what they carry (2 Kings 2: 4-8)
What is in the Mantle that Heals?
The overflowing anointing is in the Mantle and it includes healing, deliverance and special miracles for whosoever that believes (Matthew 9 vs 21-23).
The Mystery of Enough is Enough
Suffering beyond a day, a while or a moment is contrary to our belief in Christ (2 Samuel 24:16, Proverb 23:18, Psalms 7:9, 2 Corinthians 6:2, 1 Peter 5:10, 2 Corinthians 4:12, Psalms 30:5).
Demands to Take Full Delivery of Enough is Enough Mantle
One must be born again and remain the Child of Light (1 John 5:4).
You must stay in love with God because His presence is able to dispel the presence of darkness (John 14:21).
Enter into a covenant to serve God (2 Chronicles 15:12).
We must engage in a violent cry of faith after the order of blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:47-49; Matthew 11:12).
Worship with us at our Sunday Services (10:00 am), and every Wednesday at our Mid Week Communion Services (6:30 pm)!