God is too faithful to fail

Habitant morbi tristique senectus et. Nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu. Praesent tristique magna sit amet purus gravida quis blandit turpis. Nibh sit amet commodo.


“I want to deeply appreciate God of this commission for confirming the words from the mouth of His servant (Bishop David O. Oyedepo).
On Wednesday at Shiloh 2017, during the Encounter night, God’s servant said we should write one thing that we want and be specific. I wrote Federal Government job and lecturing job. After the prayer, he said, ‘somebody will have testimony by this time tomorrow.’ Honestly, I claimed that prophecy with all my heart, not even knowing how it will happen.

Lo, and behold, on Thursday afternoon after returning from the morning session teachings, I got a text message for a job selection from Foreign Affairs Commission to lecture in one of the higher institutions in East Africa. This is the job I least expected because I just applied casually. Even during the interview, I was the least in terms of age, experience and otherwise. In fact, I met some of my undergraduate lecturers who came for the same job.

Sincerely, I have never seen God in this dimension before. He proved Himself beyond reasonable doubt and took me to other side without knowing anyone. Yes! He distinguished me by His grace.”

Testifier: Vicky, T.


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