Faith Facilitates the Fulfilment of Prophesies

Habitant morbi tristique senectus et. Nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu. Praesent tristique magna sit amet purus gravida quis blandit turpis. Nibh sit amet commodo.

Covenant Day of Supernatural Turnaround Service. Prophetic Theme: Showers of Blessings (Psalms 67:5-7) Anchor Scripture: Isaiah 54:1-3


As our praises go up our blessings come down because there is nothing that praise can not change; what prayer can not handle praise can handle it. The weapon of praise is one area that many Christians continually ignore, which is why we have many prayer warriors and fewer praise warriors.

Every scripture is described as the sure more word of prophecy (2 Peter 1:18-21). This implies that anything God has said concerning us is sure no matter what arises to test it. We need to continually hold on to God’s word concerning us as we engage in praises. The word of God is prophetic words from the mouth of God Himself (Isaiah 34:16), as God is not a man that he should lie (Numbers 23:19). Whenever the word goes out of His mouth can not go back to Him void without accomplishing its purpose. Therefore, we should not allow the devil to plant negative thoughts in our hearts.

The Bible is God in book format (John 1:1). Hence, we must hold on to it tightly as therein lies God’s prophetic agender for the redeemed. The word of God paints the picture of who we are, our future and how to get there, and also reflects our glorious destiny. Giving God praises is what He can not give Himself; hence we should be ready to receive what we can not give ourselves.

Things to do to see the prophetic word come to pass

  1. Receive, believe and put them to work (John 1:12).
  2. We must continue to water the seed of the prophetic word in our hearts with praise so as to bring forth fruits (Romans 8:17; Proverbs 12:14).

How should we see ourselves to see the prophetic word come to pass?

  1. We are a royal people (1 Peter 2:9).
  2. We have an enviable destiny (Genesis 26:12-14).
  3. We have a mountain-top destiny (Matthew 5:13-14).
  4. We are redeemed for dominion and be in charge anywhere we find ourselves (Genesis 1:26-28; Ephesians 2:6).
  5. We are Redeemed for Wealth and not to struggle in life but to give to others (1 Corinthians 8:9).

Characteristics of the prophetic word (1 Corinthians 10:10)

  1. Every prophetic word received and believed ignites hope.
  2. It stimulates joy and rejoicing (Jeremiah 15:16-19).

Mystery of the Supernatural Turnaround Encounter

  1. God has reserved a turnaround Heritage for His children on earth (Proverbs 4:18)
  2. We must take covenant responsibility to take delivery of our Heritage (John 2:3).
  3. Praise is a vital turnaround weapon in the kingdom (2 Chronicles 20:22-24).
  4. We must be born again (John 3:3-5) and make our living a priority for God.
  5. Keep loving God and continue to prove that you do (Romans 8:28).The supernatural turnaround encounter is an encounter with God resulting in a change of story (1 Chronicle 4:9-10, Job 42:1, Ezekiel 34:25-26, Deuteronomy 33:23).

Worship with us at our Sunday Services (10:00 am), and every Wednesday at our Mid Week Communion Services (6:30 pm)!

By Pastor Olujimi Apata

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